Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Billary Factor

Once again Billary Clinton has shown herself to be a arrogant bully who will do anything to force herself down the throat of the American people so he can regain power. What has Hillary Clinton done to deserve being president ? Because she served as a first lady for 8 years ? Does anybody out there really think Laura Bush is qualified to run the country right now ? She served two more years in the Senate than did Obama . BIG DEAL. With all her so called " experience" the only thing she accomplished in the Senate was her epic rollover to Bush on the Iraq war. What major bills has she put through ? What major policy shift by the administration did she force ? None whatsoever.
Look ahead to November . The Republican attack machine is going to rip her apart ! Obama is such a nice guy he won't dare use some of the attacks that are gonna come her way. They will force the election to be a referedum on the 90's. We will be relentlessly subjected to debates that drag on about how Vince Foster died , whether or not Billary took furniture and other things from the White House when they left , and just what is the meaning of is . The republicans will trash her experience as " tea with other wives of heads of state " that will deride Bill Clinton presidency and shout to the mountaintops that the Clintons will bring shame back to the White House in a way that only Bill Can.
Bill Clinton was a good president. But the baggage that will come from the two of them will doom the Democrats in November. No matter how much the Republicans have screwed up the fact remains that half of the country hates Billary . Put her smiling mug at the top of the ticket and the Republicans will turn out in droves to vote against her , putting everyone on the ticket in peril .
Lets say you're a member of congress. Would you want someone with 47% negatives at the top of the ticket ? Or do you want someone who might actually bring people over from the republicans side to vote for you ? Are the American people gonna lay down and get run by a dynasty ? Or will we opt for a fresh face to clean up the mess in Washington. A mess that is part and parcel of the Clinton legacy. Lets not let the Billary prevail.

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