So far most of the breathless media speculation about the explosive admission by John Edwards has centered around how much damage can this do to Democrats generally and Barack Obama specifically . Pundits openly wonder " How long will it be before some reporter ask Barack Obama whether he has ever cheated on his wife ." A fair question indeed . But over here at GOP hunter we'd like to put the same question to Senator John McCain . Someone needs to ask him about his first wife Carol McCain.
After John McCain came home from Vietnam , where he was beaten and tortured for 5 years , he discovered that his wife Carol , a former beauty queen , had been badly injured in a car wreck. McCain , who's no day at the beach himself in the beauty department , told friends he found her weight gain and limping gait , " appalling."
According to an article in the Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1024927/The-wife-John-McCain-callously-left-behind.html McCain started cheating on his wife almost immediately . He met Cindy McCain at a cocktail party , while he was still married to Carol. He then flew all over the country to see Cindy for six months before declaring to his wife he wanted a divorce. McCain , who now runs on " family values ," cheated on his sick wife and their three kids . If that's not a parallel to the John Edwards affair , I don't know what is . The comment section is wide open . McCain supporters are welcome to lay out their case as to why this is different from what Edwards did .