Thursday, October 11, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
More lies , more money, more blood for Iraq

George W. Bush has had one goal since Iraq descended into chaos 4 years ago : leave office without losing the war. To that end the testimony of General David Petraus has been brilliant. Petreaus , the picture of leadership and competence facing senators in full uniform with a chest full of medals , delivered a simple message to senators and to the country : stay the course.
Nevermind that 70% of the American people oppose this war and have for at least the last two years. Nevermind that the 2006 election was a clear message demanding a new course in Iraq . The fact is no one in the White House cares what you think. This is no longer a country ruled by the people and hasn't been for a long time. There are bigger issues at stake here. Like the fact that Halliburton and Bechtel amoung others have made billions of dollars off this war. Like the fact that Iraq remains the home of the 2nd largest reserve of oil on the planet . There is money to be made and territory to be claimed , damn the consequences.
Meanwhile , 28 troops have lost their lives in the last 6 days. Thats 28 sons , daughters , brothers , sisters , wives who have lost someone they loved forever. 28 people who would still be here today if the President cared about what the public wants . 28 people who committed no crime other than wanting to serve their country nonetheless sentenced to death in the sands of Mesopotania. 28 more people to add to the other 3700 plus that have already lost their lives. For what ? So Bush can claim that progress has been made ?
I fear we have a President that is willing to stop at nothing to keep the war going . That means that if something happens that requires another war , we will not have the troops to respond unless we take drastic action. That means the return of the draft . In other words continuing the war is in itself a threat to national security . Bush doesn't care about that either. This President only cares about continuing the war so he can dump the whole mess on the next guy. All these hearings , reports , testimony is designed to do just that. Don't think its a coincidence that Petraeus is testifiying on Sept 11. Thats part of the marketing strategy. If i sound bitter its because i believe in a simple truth. Not one more soldier should die for Bush's vanity. If that makes me a treasonist . So be it. I hate this war and I hate the people who allow it to continue. I know hate is a very strong word , but with brave americans dying every day for no reason , I can't think of any other way to put it.
Scary Larry Craig : Im staying

Larry Craig , bless his heart , he's just a married father of four who happens to be a dog lover and doggystyle lover. Senator Craig somehow believes even though he was caught in a public bathroom top tapping for sex , he can still be effective in the Senate. Doesn't he know NOBODY in the Republican party wants him there ? Can't he read the papers ? Everyday he serves in the Senate has to be worth at least a percentage point in the polls. Democrats are jumping for joy .
Rudy the showgirl

Ladies and Gentlemen : Your Republican Front Runner !!!!!!

GOP : Be afraid . Be very afraid.
I believe that the problems facing our country today were created in large part because of the rank incompetence and dismal leadership offered by the republican party in the years since the attacks of 9/11. From Senator Larry Craig to the disgraced Tom Delay. They have repeatedly engaged in conduct that has undermined our constitution , weakened our institutions and damaged our reputation around the world .
This site is dedicated to exposing the republican party and their leader , George W. Bush. We will pull no punches. We will pursue all angles. We will not engage in conspiracy theories. We will attack relentlessly on a factual basis. Any and all comments are welcomed and attacks will be confronted directly. Let this be a warning to the entire republican establishment from their cronies in the media like Rush Limbaugh to their weak presidential candidates. Any and everything is on the table. That includes you closet hypocritical homos like Mark Foley and cross dressing Rudy G . As well as enemies of the state like David Addington and Big Dick Cheney. We are taking no prisoners.
This site is dedicated to exposing the republican party and their leader , George W. Bush. We will pull no punches. We will pursue all angles. We will not engage in conspiracy theories. We will attack relentlessly on a factual basis. Any and all comments are welcomed and attacks will be confronted directly. Let this be a warning to the entire republican establishment from their cronies in the media like Rush Limbaugh to their weak presidential candidates. Any and everything is on the table. That includes you closet hypocritical homos like Mark Foley and cross dressing Rudy G . As well as enemies of the state like David Addington and Big Dick Cheney. We are taking no prisoners.
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